Monday, April 8, 2013

Adding Animation to your Site

At the beginning of the semester we learned how to to create a simple GIF animation in photoshop. You can easily use GIF animations for your header or for other components in your website. If you look above the Title of our class blog now glows every so often. This was done by creating a five framed animation in Photoshop. Once I made the animation I exported it out of Photoshop saving it for web devices. Then I uploaded my GIF to my Photobucket Account, copied the HTML address for the GIF provided by Photobucket, and pasted that in my Header editor in Blogger's Layout page.

Photobucket is an online image and video storage site that can be used to save images for your website using the image URL and HTML code Photobucket generates for you.    

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Little HTML Goes a Long Way.

Above is an example of an image link using only a couple of lines of HTML. Many site and blog builders have in their composition and posting tool bars a tool that can automatically do this. There are other areas though on your page where such settings and tool bars may be restricted so adding your own HTML can be a way to personalize your site beyond the template settings.

Below is an image of the code that I used to make the image link Example above.

The green type is the part of the HTML that creates a link to another web address when you click on the Example image. The web address that this link takes you is in the dark green text inbetween the green quotation marks. Where your link takes you can be changed just by pasting another address inbetween those quotes.
The red type is the part of the HTML that places the image. The dark red that comes after src=, which means source, is the address where the original image is stored. When placing an image using HTML you must have an image saved online some where else. I used my photobucket account for this example, you can tell this just by reading the address.
The image in the red type is a link because it is the content for the link element in the green that has a beginning tag, which is everything in green before the image text in red and an end tag which is that little bit of green right after the red type.

This is just one example that you can find in this HTML tutorial Try the examples on the Introduction page if you are interested. You can edit HTML in your blog or site builder or you can do it on your computer. On the builder you usually have the option to switch between compose mode and HTML mode. To edit it on your computer all you need is a text document editing program like Word or TextEdit. You can save your document in an HTML format, with the HTML text in them, and then open them up using an internet browser.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Assignment 5

Creating a Web Presence and Using the Internet for Art

Using one of the site/blog builders viewed and discussed in class you have the choice to create one of two things. A site that can be used as a contact and information page for yourself or you can use these online tools to create an Internet based art installation. If you already have a website I encourage you to create an installation or rework and update your existing site. Your site will be due April 26, 2013.

Site Builders Covered in Class

Artist Site Examples

Online Installation Examples

More Installation Examples @

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ideas? for Assignment 4

Body space motion things, Robert Morris    recreation

Analog Interactive Installation/Kinetic Sculpture, Karina Smigla-Bobinski

Rueben Margolin On Kinetic Art

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Free Interactive Writing Software

Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. Initially developed to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context, Processing also has evolved into a tool for generating finished professional work. Today, there are tens of thousands of students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists who use Processing for learning, prototyping, and production.

Download Processing

Processing Tutorials

Pure Data
Pd (Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is the third major branch of the family of patcher programming languages known as Max (Max/FTS, ISPW Max, Max/MSP, jMax, etc.) originally developed by Miller Puckette and company at IRCAM. The core of Pd is written and maintained by Miller Puckette and includes the work of many developers, making the whole package very much a community effort.

Download Pure Data

PD Tutorials by Dr. Rafael Hernandez

Connect Wii Remote to your computer and Pure Data

Download Osculator (A program that connects a wii-remote to a mac.)

PD Tutorial by Bryan Chung, how to make geometric shapes


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Assignment 4

Interactive Installation Art Collaboration 

Through means of your choice create an interactive art installation. Interactive Art is a form of art that involves the spectator in a way that allows the art to achieve its purpose. I encourage you to work in groups of up to three to collaborate on this project. While we work on this project we will cover the subjects of project collaboration and interactive art in detail.  
The interactive art installation is due 4/1/13.


Sketchbook Assignment
For this assignment I would like you to create a proposal for your interactive art installation. Many times galleries and art competitions ask artists to write a proposal. The proposal is an explanation of an art project. Below are the guidelines for writing your proposal due March 11th

Art Proposal Guidelines

Write a Proposal for your Installation
To exhibit in a gallery or whatever the venue might be an artist in most cases is asked to write a proposal outlining how the artist plans to use that space. Many venues have a list of what should be contained in the proposal but here is what they generally ask for in a proposal:

I. Opening Letter
The opening letter should contain the goals and intentions of the project you have in mind.
The project should be introduced as a solid concept that can be supported by the images and descriptions found in the proposal. The opening letter is usually in the form of a paragraph around 150 words.

II. Physical Project Description
This section should include the actual materials of the installation, how they are constructed, measurements, where they will be placed in the space, and how the physical makeup of the project
relates to your initial concept. Images can be used in this section along with the physical descriptions.

III. Curatorial Guidelines
This puts in place the responsibilities of the curator. Responsibilities can include advertising the
exhibit, preparing the space, placing the work, and then taking the work down when the exhibit is

IV. CV of Artist
A CV or Curriculum vitae is basically a resume that includes past exhibition experience, related
awards including grants, scholarships, and residencies. This allows the venue to look at your past
experiences with exhibiting your work and to see other aspect of your career as an artist.

V. Logistical requirements
In this section you will explain how you will get your work to the space, what is needed to
properly install the work, and any other physical things needed to properly exhibit the work in the
designated space.

VI. Funding
You need to list the costs of the project and exhibit. In some cases a venue may help to pay some of
these costs or the artist can find outside funding through grants and other art supporting funds.

VII. Contact Details
Contact information is needed first off so the venue can contact to either accept or decline your
proposal. If accepted then contact information is needed if there are any maintenance
issues or questions about the project.

Once you have written and gathered images for the proposal usually the venue will ask that you mail it or email it to them. For this assignment I would like your proposal to be placed in some kind of binder or presentation style folder. All materials especially written work should be clear and understandable!

Proposals will be due March 11.

Call For Art Examples

Monday, February 11, 2013

Assigment 3

Performance Art Video

Create a video performance at least two minutes long that uses human subjects as performers, either yourself or someone who you would like to perform for you. The performance can be very abstract and stripped down like Fluxus and Dada examples or more cinematic like the contemporary example Mathey Barney's Creamaster. The audio for your performance should be from the sounds collected from the classes' instruments and any other sounds you create yourself. The audio from the instruments we made in class will be handed out for everyone to use. Your Video Performance will be due, March 4.

Sketchbook Assignment
Draw up a stroyboard, write a script, or do both so you can begin to plan your video's plot and shots. This way once you begin to record video and edit it on the computer you have already a set plan to follow. Due February 15. 

Digital Camera (You can use whatever device you own or borrow cameras from the UNO library.)

Adobe Premiere
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop

Greenscreen Examples
10 Tips for using a green screen;
Peter Campus, Three Transitions;

Monday, February 4, 2013

Film Music and Sound Composition

Your instruments should be close to being finished. The next step will be to record the sounds these instruments make for use as sound in the next project a Performance Video.

Recently Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails was interviewed by Terry Gross of NPR's Fresh Air. They discuss Reznor's recent work on music compositions for the movies, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and Social Network. Reznor talks about the use of found and experimental sound he uses throughout his work to create a certain feel and mood that complements the movies he is composing for. This is your goal with these sounds that will be produced by your instruments. The interview can be found here;

"How Long" by Trent Reznor and How To Destroy Angels

Friday, January 25, 2013

Assignment 2

Experimental Instrument, Experimental Sound 

Inspiration: Uber Organ, Tim Hawkinson
Create an instrument of your own design out of found materials. Once you have built your instrument you will be adding a piezo sensor along with an audio jack to it so you are able to amplify your instrument as well as record the sound it makes straight into the computer where it can be edited. The Instrument is due 2/8/13.

Sketchbook Assignment
Draw three instrument designs you would like to create. From these three drawings you will choose one to build as a real instrument that is able to produce sound. With these drawings should be a parts list. Due 1/28/13.

Instrument Examples

How to Amplify Your Instrument
We will cover how to amplify your instrument in class but for examples of what others have done with similar technology follow the link below to

Surface Microphone Parts List
1 piezo sensor
1 audio jack
electrical tape*

Wire stripper and cutter*

*Item supplied by the instructor

Monday, January 14, 2013

Assignment 1

Inspiration: Hieronymus Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights
Digital Mythological Triptych

Using Photoshop create a scene that visually explains a mythology of your own invention. The scene should be displayed in a triptych (triptych, a picture or relief carving on three panels, typically hinged together side by side and used as an altarpiece).
Each panel of your triptych must be 10 inches by 8 inches tall with a resolution of 300 pixels/inch.
The assignment will be due 1/23/2013.

Sketchbook Assignment
Your sketchbook assignment is to invent a myth that you will be creating a scene for. Using the structure of a story or myth, (myth, a traditional story, esp. one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events), to explain or express an idea. For inspiration look through the examples below and research a few existing myths for inspiration. A few ideas outlined either written, sketched out or both will be due 1/11/2013.

Art 21: Stories

Found Example

My own use of myth

digital images
